

朱古力香脆 chocolate crispies 海綿蛋糕 sponge cake 芝士蒜蓉多士 cheese on toasts
火腿磨菇奄列 ham and mushroom omelette 皇后蛋糕 queen cakes 水蜜桃焗雞 baked chicken with peach
美味薯茸 delicious mashed potatoes 芝士焗通粉 bake cheese macaroni 水果班戟 fruit crepes
糯米糍 sweet dumplings 芝麻香草雞 spicy chicken 磨菇茸湯 cream of mushroom soup
石頭蛋糕 rock buns 三絲炒烏冬 fried Japanese udon 芝麻花卷 flower rolls with sesame seeds
雞蛋三文治 egg sandwiches 忌廉泡芙 cream puff 白汁吞拿魚意粉 pasta with tuna in white sauce
肉茸粟米湯 minced pork and sweet corn soup 碗仔翅 shark's fin soup 意大利薄餅 quick pizza
蠔油炆雞翼 stewed chicken wings in oyster sauce 可樂雞翼 chicken wings in coke 魚餅 fish cakes
腿茸雙蔬 assorted vegetables with chopped ham 葡汁焗四蔬 assorted vegetables in portuguese sauce 紐約芝士餅 new york cheese cake
蛋白小雪球 egg white snow balls 肉醬意粉 spaghetti bolognese 腸仔卷 sausage rolls
乾燒伊麵 stewed e-fu noodle 鍋貼 shallow fried chinese dumplings 蘋果金寶 apple crumbles
雪菜叉燒炆米 芒果布甸 mange pudding 燕麥杏仁曲奇餅 oatmeal and almond cookies
什果杏仁豆腐 almond jellies with cocktail fruits 煎香草豬扒  
豆腐花 soya custard    