

課程 Curriculum

本中心主要為夥伴學校中一至中三的學生提供「設計與科技科」、「科技與生活科」及「視覺藝術科」 三個課程;並提供香港中學文憑選修科目,包括「設計與應用科技科」、「音樂科」及「視覺藝術科」 課程,學生完成課程後,可參加香港中學文憑考試(文憑試)。現時共有八間夥伴學校及十二間官立 中學分配學生到本中心上課。

The Centre mainly offers Design & Technology, Technology & Living and Visual Arts courses for Secondary 1 to 3 students of our partner schools. The Centre offers three elective subjects for senior secondary students. The subjects are Design & Applied Technology , Music and Visual Arts courses. Upon completion of the elective subjects, students will take the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE). Altogether, 8 partner schools and 12 government secondary schools have arranged students to attend classes at our Centre

設施 Facilities

設施方面,本中心共有二十六間設備完善具備空調的教學場所,包括兩間音樂教室、三間科技實驗室、 六間設計與科技工場、八間科技與生活室、一間陶藝室及六間視覺藝術室。自從二零零四年完成了學 校改善工程後,本中心更添置了為傷殘人士而設的升降機、兩個會議室和一個多用途活動禮堂,為學 生提供更全面的教育設備。此外,為配合政府政策,本中心於二零一七年十月成立一所「創客空間」, 開放予全港中小學校借用,藉此推動 STEM 教育。

Our Centre has 26 fully equipped air-conditioned teaching areas. These include 2 Music rooms, 3 technology laboratories and 6 workshops for Design & Technology, 8 Technology & Living rooms, 1 Ceramic Room and 6 Visual Arts rooms. Since the completion of the School Improvement Programme in 2004, the Centre has been equipped with a lift for the disabled, 2 Conference Rooms and a Multi-purpose Area to facilitate quality learning and teaching in the Centre. A “Makerspace” has been established in October 2017 to promote STEM education and is opened for all secondary and primary school

ATEC - 跨科協作 共展所長